• Client :Allied REIT
  • Architecture :Lemay
  • Crédit photos :Adrien Williams

The project consists of the addition of a 13-storey concrete extension to the northeast corner of a 10-storey building dating from 1910, each floor of this extension having an area of ​​475 m² (5,100 ft²). Furthermore, 3 additional light steel floors of approximately 1,625 m² (17,500 ft²) each are also added above the existing building and abut laterally to the 13-storey expansion. In its new configuration, the building offers a total of 30,100 m² (324,000 ft²) of office space.

The seismic retrofit of the structure was accomplished using three new cores housing stairwells and six elevators.

One of the main challenges was the integration of the new concrete cores and elevator pits at the foundation level since the new raft foundations had to be integrated to the existing foundations. In order to allow for the under-pinning work to be realized, temporary shoring systems were developed that suspended 12 existing columns in mid-air bearing 10 storeys each. The columns were supported on steel tripods using drilled pile foundations that were also designed to support the additional load of the three new steel floors on the roof.

Principaux défis relevés :

  • Transformation of a centennial building braced by non-reinforced brick masonry.
  • Addition of 3 floors on existing foundations without reinforcement of columns or foundation.
  • Concrete extension at the northeast corner of the building over the entire height of the original building (10 floors) and extending to the 3 additional steel floors that connect to it.
  • Integration of a reinforced concrete bracing system into the existing structure.
  • Management of construction phases; assembly of the roof steel frames before the installation of the new bracing walls.
  • Building partially occupied by a data center on the 3rd floor for the duration of the site construction.  

Solutions et innovations dignes de mention :

  • Underpinning of 12 columns supporting a total of 13 storeys each for the construction of the raft foundations of the 3 new bracing cores.
  • Design of the seismic junctions between the new structure and the existing building.
  • Sequencing of the construction to maintain the stability of the existing building.
  • Mixed use of existing structures, steel and reinforced concrete.