• Client :Devimco Immobilier (with the Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ for the Solar Uniquartier development)
  • Architecture :TLA Architectes

The development composed of RC3 (Phase 3), RC4 (Phase 1) and RC5 (Phase 2), commercially known as «Magellan Condos» consists of three (3) buildings with 8 to 23 floors and two (2) to three (3) basements. The complex totals 88,250 m² (950,000 ft²), dedicated mostly to residential use, while the ground floor floors are intended for commercial use. The visual signature of the buildings requires the use of structural details that are common in condominium projects, such as multi-storey hangers to eliminate columns in certain volumes, cantilevers up to 5 m (16 ft) and multiple translations of columns.

To visit Magellan Condos’ website… To visit Solar Uniquartier’s website…

Principaux défis relevés :

  • Phasing of excavations for the common parking podium.
  • Design of a common multilevel parking system that does not have the same number of levels between phases.
  • Taking into account the phasing of the works on the neighbouring lot.

Solutions et innovations dignes de mention :

  • Design of a suspension system to allow an urban chalet without columns.
  • Design of a Y-shaped architectural column located at the main-entrance.
  • Design cantilever beams without stabilizing rear span.